
“The highest and noblest work in this life is that of a mother.” Russel M. Nelson

This quote really hit home for me. I’m embarrassed to say, but before I was pregnant I had a terrible stigma of  mom’s, especially stay at home moms. I thought they stayed home, crafted and worked out all day... How naive!!

Don’t get me wrong, I always wanted to be a mother, however, I thought I would get more fulfillment working and making money. For as long as I can remember, my goal was to get a degree, so I could work my way up in a company. I thought a career and money would make me feel fulfilled and important.

Pregnancy completely changed my perspective.

Being a mom is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I have learned that motherhood is the most important and hardest job that exists. My respect for mom’s has grown immensely.

I am so lucky to be able to stay home with Ellie. I receive so much fulfillment taking care of her and watching her grow. Time is so precious. Everyday is a day that I can’t take back. I am trying to enjoy every moment with my baby girl.

Becoming a mom has become my greatest blessing (tied with Kody;). Mothers need to be recognized because let’s be honest, it’s not easy. Actually, it’s dang hard. But the happiness and love that comes from being a mom is priceless. I’m so grateful the Lord had motherhood as apart of my plan. It is the best career I could’ve asked for!

My outfit:

Blouse: DownEast

Choker: PacSun

Ellie's Outfit:

Shirt: Old Navy

Shorts: Old Navy

Sandals: Old Navy

Headband: I made;)

Baseball Cap

Spring is almost here, which means baseball season is around the corner!

Baseball is America’s favorite pastime. As funny as it sounds, I always feel American pride while attending a game.

My mom has always been a baseball/softball guru. Growing up, every year we would take a family vacation, and always made it a priority to attend a Major League Baseball Game.

Baseball/softball is a sport that Kody and I enjoy playing together. Every summer we try to get involved with our community softball league.

Baseball was the inspiration behind today's look. It is the perfect weekend outfit, especially if you are going to watch a game.

Outfit Details:

Baseball Tee: Abercrombie

Booties: Blue Linen Boutique

Hat: Borrowed from Kody:)