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6 Months

How can Ellie be six months old? She is growing up so fast. It is fun to see her grow and reach milestones but I miss my newborn! Time needs to slow down.

Ellie is so funny and loves to entertain (just like her dad). She has to be the center of attention at all times. It is cute, but frustrating at times when I need to get work done! Literally, the second I look at my computer she does this fake cough. I don’t know how she learned this, but the past three months she coughs when she wants attention. If her cough doesn’t get attention, she then screams. Let’s just say she is an extremely spoiled child! 

Ellie is growing everyday. She is in the 90th percentile for height and 30th percentile for weight. The doctor said she is tall and skinny.

Kody and I have so much love for our sweet baby girl. She is sitting up all by herself, rolls over from both sides and is getting up on all fours to crawl. We put her in a jumper last month and she has been obsessed ever since. She jumps and jumps all day. Her favorite thing is to be in the jumper while her dancing cabbage patch doll is dancing in front of her. It is hilarious to watch, as Ellie tries to mimic the dolls moves. As soon as the cabbage patch doll stops singing/dancing Ellie screams. So,, every 30 seconds I have to stop what I am doing, push the button and make the doll dance and sing again.. I’m such a first time mom!

Kody and I introduced “real” food to Ellie at 5 1/2 months. Her first food (besides rice cereal) was an avocado. It was hilarious to watch her eat! She was a green monster by the end. She’s loved every food we have given her. We have introduced veggies first, hoping to get her an acquired taste for vegetables before introducing fruits. I was super picky and hated vegetables growing up, so I am trying to implement a variety of tastes and textures while she is young! Crossing my fingers that this will help her like a wide range of foods as she matures.

Ellie is an outside girl. She loves to be outside and watch birds while she plays with the grass. She also loves going on walks. Pretty sure she would stay outside all day if she had her way.

Ellie is just a delight! Kody and I feel so blessed to have her as our daughter. She has brought us so much happiness.